City Ledger Accounts

In the City Ledger module, individual accounts represent companies or other third-party organizations who have agreed to cover all or a portion of a guest's stay. The specifics of when a city ledger account should be added are at your property's own discretion, as well as any rules to follow in using and billing these accounts.

To begin, access the City Ledger module. If adding a new account, use the (Add) Account option. Otherwise, use the (Find) Account option to locate an existing account and access it.

Assuming you created a new account, you will be presented with a blank account form for setup. A completed form will appear similar to the below figure.

Note the only required field is the company name - this is all that is needed to save a new account, but we still strongly recommend filling out the rest of the form where applicable for best results. After you have finished, click save in the top left corner to apply your changes. For a description of each field, see the below table: 



Account #

A combination of letters and numbers set at the time of creation, used to identify the company in your system on relevant reports.


Use this drop-down to track the account's present activity in Chorum. There are three options:

  • Active. This account is currently useable, and will remain in use for the foreseeable future.

  • Active Temporary. This account is currently in use, but should be deactivated soon. This is primarily used for companies that will not have regular guests at your property.

  • Inactive. The account is no longer in use and cannot be used as a direct bill option.

Account Name

Set a name for this account - for easier tracking, we recommend using or including the company name here.


Note the name of the company here.

Credit Limit

If this company has a limit to how much they may pay using their payment type at any given time, set it here. Note that while this value appears on reports, there is no enforcement to the value set. Ensuring the credit limit is not exceeded is at your property's discretion.

Primary Contact

The First Name and Last Name fields are used to indicate the account's primary contact for your property. This is useful to have on hand in the event of a billing conflict.

Company Address

Accounting for the Address, City, State/Prov, Billing Code, Postal Code, and Country, these fields represent the company's address.

Tax ID

In the event this company should be tax exempt, checkmark the Tax Exempt option then input the organization's tax ID here.


Enter the email for the business or primary contact here. If you checkmark the Receive Auto-Email Statements setting (to automatically forward any outstanding invoices to the company), be mindful that this email should specifically be set to whomever will process the submitted statements for the account.

Responsible For

These check boxes are informational only, but are used to indicate what the company has agreed to pay for.

If the organization has agreed to cover room expenses, checkmark Room & Tax Charges. If the organization will only cover non-room expenses, checkmark Incidentals. Otherwise, the organization will cover everything, checkmark both options.

Main Phone

The phone number belonging to the primary contact for this organization.

Business Phone

The organization's general number, if separate from the main phone.

Payment Type

If the company has a specific form of payment they typically use, it can be set here as a default option for use with invoices. Any option that can be used in a guest folio, excluding direct bill, can be used here.


Any special notes about the organization, like specific billing policies or approved bookers (see Booker Profiles).